Posted in Pets

Tips On Mental Stimulation And Exercise For Dogs

Many dogs love to dig. If you have problems with your dog digging where they shouldn’t, giving them activities that cater to their natural digging instinct will help to eliminate the problem behavior. Provide an area or digging box for them so they can dig to their heart’s content. Just be aware that if the weather is warm and you use sand, it may get hot. You can wet it down with the hose if it is.

Playing ‘fetch’ with your dog is another fantastic way to burn pent-up energy. Most dogs love a good game of fetch and can play this for hundreds of throws. A great alternative is to use an Automatic Ball Launcher so your dog can play Fetch by themselves.

Letting a dog chase a bicycle or a vehicle might be risky. Dogs love active games like Frisbee, Fetch (with toys or balls), tug-of-war and the like. It also provides a good opportunity for the owner to bond with his dog. However, care should be taken to see to it that the dog doesn’t jump too high and land in awkward positions and injure himself.

If you ever need reminding how much dogs love exercise, just show them their leash or harness. Most dogs will leap off their bed and wag their tail in excitement. Even lazy dogs usually enjoy a brisk walk or short ball throwing session.

Dogs love obstacle courses through which you lead your pet to jump over bars, run through tunnels, leap off platforms and more. And moving quickly and precisely is quite the workout for both canine and owner. Often, though, it’s the person, not the pooch, who messes up. Try agility training on your own or do a few introductory classes first. Or set up your own obstacle course with cones to run around and hurdles to jump over,

Believe it or not, some dogs love soccer especially herding breeds like Border Collies and Australian Shepherds. Once your boy learns to “kick” or “dribble” with his nose or paws, get his heart rate up by punting the ball and racing for it. Try engaging him with other toys (like rope tugs) and activities (such as hide-and-seek).

Athletic owners who run, jog, or perform other strenuous activities must be aware of their dog’s potential limitations. Also, be keenly aware of extreme weather conditions – make sure to go easy on hot, humid, or cold days, and take plenty of breaks. If the dog is lagging behind, tiring, or struggling, head home and make the next exercise session slower (less strenuous) and shorter. Go slowly when introducing your dog to a new exercise routine, gradually building for the first weeks as he adapts.

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