Posted in Holiday & Travel

What To Do On Your First Time Abroad

Admit it, if it’s your first time to ride a plane you’re probably experiencing some jitters. Apart from being scared that you’re miles away from the ground, you’re also pretty excited being at the same height with clouds and looking down on the mountains and seas. But what’s even more exciting is the first country you’ll ever set foot on besides your own.

To make your first time abroad a great experience, there are things you should do prior to getting on that plane. Use this article as your checklist so you will have everything you need to be set for your trip.

Plan your itinerary

When you already know your travel dates, check the best places to visit in the country you’re going to. Making an itinerary is always highly recommended except if you prefer being spontaneous about things. If you’re traveling in groups, an itinerary would be a lot helpful so you can maximize the time you have in abroad. However, don’t fall into the trap of filling your schedule that you will just feel tired at night. Make sure to even out your schedule and allot time to stroll around and sightsee. Besides, it’s best to have time to be able to walk around and just experience how the city unfolds right before your eyes.

Get your passports well in advance

Make sure you have valid passports for every member in your family or travel party. This includes pet passports if you’re travelling with your dog. There’s nothing worse than turning up at the airport then getting turned away because your passport is not up to date.

Plan your outfits

This tip is very helpful so you don’t overpack or underpack. When you already know your itinerary, it would be easier for you to determine what the appropriate attire would be. Make sure to bring at least one extra outfit just in case something happens along your travels (but hopefully not).

Know how to get from one place to another

If you aren’t booking a private ride, then it’s best to know in advance what train stations or public transportation vehicles you should take in the place you’re going to. In this way, you won’t be so frazzled finding your way and you would easily get to your destinations with less hassle.

Learn the basics in their language

Not all countries are English-speaking and some don’t even have enough knowledge of basic English words. While there is nothing wrong with it and that is perfectly normal in other places, you as a tourist should be able to know how to communicate with the locals. Know how to ask where the restroom is, where the train is, how to get a cab, etc. The basic phrases you should know should be able to help you navigate your way through the city. Learning a few greetings would be great, too!

Have enough pocket money

Depending on your trip and the places you will go to, determine how much pocket money you will bring. Most of the time, pocket money is used for shopping, souvenirs, entrance fees, and emergencies. Having pocket money is always going to be a smart move because you will have backup during the times that you won’t be able to expect unnecessary expenses.

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